The story begins around 2,800 BC, when the Indus Valley civilization introduces the concept of bathrooms to the populous. Blind to the scale of revolution they gave birth to, the people of the Indus Valley instantly improved hygiene and systematic waste disposal. However, thousands of years later, the story brings us to modern civilisation, with multiple bathrooms in every home. But it doesn’t end there. Modern humans have taken it a step further by designing beautiful interiors for their bathrooms. And I bet you are here for the same thing, so this blog will take you through the best small bathroom design ideas from across the globe.
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The Best Small Bathroom Design Ideas
Give your bathroom a makeover with these small bathroom design ideas.
1. Warm & Calm Bathroom Design
This modern bathroom design idea evokes a lot of warmth and calm feelings. The colour palette plays a vital role in doing so; the various shades of blue and white mix and match to create a serene ambience.
The bathroom design also has a rich material palette, from wood to white marble counter tops, and you can’t forget about the subtle lighting fixtures that amplify the overall design.
2. Burgundy Magic
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, taking that sentiment a step further. The designer decided to mix in a darker hue, making this bathroom design feel more classy. Add to that relatively dim lighting and the result is no less than a masterpiece.
Even the bathroom fixtures look something out of a high budget film set and provide a spotless aesthetic to the bathroom. The golden trim runs along the mirrors, adding an extra layer of luxury. The plant in the bathroom can be optional since there’s a lack of natural light, but you can replace it with an artificial one.
3. Flowery Night
Everyone deserves to be the centre of attention, at least in their own bathroom. This beautiful bathroom design makes it possible with its layout, choice of colours and lighting. The bathroom design is inspired by traditional Japanese bathrooms, which have a bathing area in the middle and wooden partitions surrounding it.
However, instead of the wooden partition, the designer opted for more modern glass with coloured engravings. The backdrop is kept in the dark and receding light over the main bathing area. To add to the overall aesthetic, the bathtub is sitting atop a bed of pebbles and fluted wooden panelling.
4. All About That Rustic Life
Some people just love to be close to nature and try to integrate it into their homes as well. This bathroom design is the embodiment of a nature lover’s bathroom design. It features an exposed brick wall, wooden panelling, rustic themed tiles, and even wooden ceilings.
No aspect of this room lacks in making you feel close to the wild; even the light fixtures are adapted to the overall theme. You will get major farm house vibes when entering this bathroom.
5. Classical Bathroom Design
You might have been born in the modern era, but there’s nothing stopping you from falling in love with classical bathroom designs. And if you do, this classical bathroom design is for you! The dichromatic colour palette enhances the décor and adds a calm and serene feeling to the bathroom.
Furthermore, the decorative pieces, the mirror, and the customised rug on the floor bring the entire bathroom to life. Do you like this bathroom design? If you would like something similar in your own home, get in touch with the designers at Aertsen.
6. Clean, Simple and Small Bathroom Design
It cannot get any simpler without getting pure boring, the contemporary design blends perfectly with the minimalist theme. However, the beauty of the design is that it still manages to stand out. Maybe it’s the mirror or the tiles on the wall.
At first glance, the bathroom seems simple, but upon walking in it bursts into a million little details that attract your gaze and raise your curiosity.
7. Marriage of Black & White
If you have never come across black flooring, then behold this bathroom design that utilises two contrasting colours and brings them together while creating a symphony rarely seen in homes. Even though white remains a dominant colour in the bathroom, the designer has introduced black at all the right places, balancing the colours.
It’s like the ying and yang philosophy, where opposite things are also interconnected. In hindsight the white tiles might seem hard to clean, but the truth is the tile is one of the easiest parts to clean.
8. Bellowing Luxury
Johnny Depp is arguably the most stylish guy on planet earth, and this chic bathroom design kind of reminds us of him. The wooden floors extending up to the walls and furniture; the backlight behind the mirror; and the overall dim lighting in the room create a luxurious ambiance.
However, this bathroom design takes up a little more space than you might have. A few changes according to the space can help you fit it in a small space.
Chances are you will come across a lot of great bathroom designs, but you should make sure the design matches the functionality and expectations you have. Furthermore, if you need some help coming up with your own design, reach out to the designers at Aertsen.